North Redwoods Book Arts Guild

If you are interested in more info or joining, please email to

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

When is an Accordion not an Accordion?

Taught by Dolores Guffey

Come join us for this exploratory workshop making numerous accordion and concertina folds in various configurations and variations. We will learn how to make accurate measurements for any size of panels you may need for your project…and no, it won't be by measuring with a ruler, but rather by working with a roll of adding machine tape. We will play with adding signatures or pop-outs in between the folds and also how to convert a concertina spine to make a sewn book structure using single sheets of text and/or illustrations. There will be numerous samples of completed books using accordion folding for you to look at and examine. You are encouraged to take notes to try them on your own!

Materials to bring:
• Decorative papers (various sizes, from scraps to larger sheets)
• Small calculator (optional, bring if you have one)
• Scissors
• Craft knife
• Metal ruler
• Glue stick
• Rubber stamps
• Pencil

Materials provided:
• Adding machine tape
• Paper for folding

Saturday, May 12, 12 noon
Our usual location: BSS 166 at HSU 

Any questions? contact Dolores Guffey
No need to rsvp.

PLEASE NOTE: Our meeting date is the same day as HSU graduation. If there is no parking adjacent to the meeting place, there is a large parking lot at the corner of 14th & Union Streets.

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