Please note: we are meeting in a different location and at a different time!
- We'll be having a general meeting, which will include the book exchange, at 11:30am, Saturday May 11. The workshop will start at 12 noon.
- We are meeting in the Social Hall at Arcata United Methodist Church on 11th Street, Arcata.
This month we are having a special paste painting workshop with Ellen Golla. Unlike many of our workshops, this one required preregistration. To all of you who've signed up, thank you! If you aren't enrolled and would still like to come, please get in touch with us. If there's been a cancellation, we might be able to accommodate you.
Participants will each get a starter kit, to keep, that will include a plexiglass worktop and supplies for making stamping, patterning and rolling tools (and whatever else you can think of). You'll also get to try out an assortment of tools that will be available for use during the workshop. Papers, both plain and colored, plus a few sheets of non-paper Wet Media Dura-Lar and Tyvek will also be provided.
You don't need to provide anything. However, if you have tools or papers you want to use, feel free to bring 'em!
- Scissors (especially recommended--please bring if possible)
- Craft knife and cutting mat
- One or two paintbrushes. Brushes will be provided, but you might want to have one or two of your own for blending colors on your paper. High-quality synthetic house painting brushes from the hardware store are ideal. Sash brushes with angled bristles are particularly nice, but regular-shaped brushes are fine. Low-quality brushes are not recommended, as they shed and will ruin your design. Foam brushes are ok, but real ones generally give better results.
Additionally, you might want to keep an eye out for extra tools to paint with. These can include:
- Toothbrushes
- Old credit cards
- Rubber and foam stamps
- Silicon spatulas (that you won't use for food)
- Anything else made of silicon (rubber dog and horse curry combs with interesting patterns, for example)
- Whisks and other cooking implements with interesting shapes (again, not ones you'll actually cook with)
- Wood graining combs and rockers
- Decorative painting combs
- Painting knives
- Plastic toys (textured car wheels, old legos…)
- Sponges
- Anything with an interesting shape or edge that can withstand paint and is washable

If you don't come up with anything, don't worry--an assortment of these will be available to borrow at the workshop. As you can see, paste painting is a perfect pastime for the hoarding fetishists among us. It's time to empty those junk drawers.
Also, please keep in mind that paste painting is messy. Wear comfortable old clothes and/or bring an apron.