This shows the front and back covers of Sunday Parkways. The accordion spine is in the center.
Inside view of the prototype flag book Sunday Parkways. Becky says, "The theme for this book would be something like, 'Bicycling: Every rotation of the wheel is a revolution.' The Sunday Parkways events are held 3-4 times during the summer (once a month) and are sponsored by the City of Portland. They block off 7-8 miles of city streets so bicyclists can ride unimpeded by auto traffic, and thousands of people turn out. Last summer Brian and I rode in two of these events and volunteered to conduct traffic at a third (the intersection where we were stationed was my vantage point for capturing these bicyclist shots.) Riding among so many others is most exhilarating and festive...."
Hoi An Ancient Town, Viet Nam. The theme for this book would be, "Vietnam is a country, not a war." Becky notes that she didn't like the inside of this book very well and would probably look for different images to use for a Viet Nam flag book. However, she likes the cover so much more, even though she got the panels reversed. (Note to Becky: if you hadn't told us, I doubt we would've noticed!) But she loves the colors--the scarves, tropical trees, the tourist's red hair...