North Redwoods Book Arts Guild

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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

 The March NORBAG workshop was a big hit! Margaret-Elaine Jinno taught us how to make a Telescoping Mechanism that can be used to make a book of any length. Once you have the basic principle down it is easy to keep adding "pages". While the structure does not need covers, they can be added. Some of our members also added little tabs to make it easier to move from page to page. Thank you Margaret-Elaine for teaching this workshop. Here are a few photographs of this very clever moveable structure.

Nancy Short
In this photo the pages are not extended all the way
like in the next photo. 

Nancy used calendar pages for her book.

Margaret Beech
Margaret added larger covers and a half-circle tab.

Stephanie Weigel
Stephanie used the cover of a University of Wisconsin
 Alumni magazine

Bonnie Julien
The book is closed and could be viewed page by page.

In this photo the book is fully extended.

Emmy Nelson

Front side spread out

Note that covers were added. This is the back side.

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