North Redwoods Book Arts Guild

If you are interested in more info or joining, please email to

Sunday, December 29, 2024


We will begin 2025 with a workshop to make a uniquely designed Japanese stab binding. Lara Cox will share her original design that features a cat's face in the stitching of the binding. Here is Lara's explanation of how she came up with this idea.

"I was inspired to create this stab binding pattern when I stumbled upon the work of two artists, Lori Forgues of Lbforgues Papercrafts and Becca of Becca Making Faces.

Both of these talented artists offer various Japanese Stab Binding tutorials online as well as encouraging you to go forth and make your own stab binding patterns. I like cats and after much brain twisting trial and error, I managed to make a cat face binding.

For this workshop we will be making a ledger shaped book with a single cat face binding. I will also touch upon how to make a double (or even multiple) cat face pattern for you to tackle in the future if you wish."

The "book" in this project is more like something that would be used to feature a poem or saying on a page rather than hold many pages. It would be an ideal gift for someone. Lara said "for the number of pages, I've done it this way because the binding is complicated enough as it is without folks having to struggle with lots of pages. During class I will have examples of this structure with more pages."


Please have all the papers precut prior to the workshop. All papers (even for the covers) are 3" x 7" grain short.
  • 2 pieces for the covers: cardstock, Mi-Teints, or similar weight decorative paper.
  • 2 pieces for end papers: light weight decorative paper
  • 2 pieces for the interior pages: text weight paper
  • 8 feet of thread: embroidery thread or other of similar weight. Make sure your thread is a color that will stand out against your cover paper color so that the binding design will show up.


  • Sewing needle with a big enough eye for your chosen thread type
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Bone folder
  • Ruler
  • X-acto knife
  • Bee's wax
  • Awl
  • 4 binder clips (1" size)
  • Piece of foam core board or an old magazine. This is to place under your book when poking the holes for the binding.
You will be provided with the template for the binding pattern when you RSVP.

When?    Saturday, January 11 at 10 a.m. PST
Where?   On your computer, tablet or smartphone via Zoom
RSVP      To Dolores Guffey by January 6 to receive the password
Workshop Questions:  Lara Cox,
Zoom Questions:  Bobbie Hayes
Contact information is in the newsletter

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