North Redwoods Book Arts Guild

If you are interested in more info or joining, please email to

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Decorated Page at the Library Kiosk

The new display in our kiosk at the Humboldt County Library is not only a visual delight but it provides information about several ways we embellish our books using handmade papers, marbling, and paste papers. Thanks to Dolores, Karen, Ellen, Michele K. and Bonnie for making this possible. The display will be up through the middle of September. 


  1. What a fantastic idea this is for a display. I imagine you are thinking of an ongoing series for exposing the public to all the different aspects of books-as-art? Specific types of bindings, etc. ?

  2. You got it! The new kiosk is up and photos of the display will be posted shortly. You are a mind "reader"!
