North Redwoods Book Arts Guild

If you are interested in more info or joining, please email to

Monday, September 14, 2009

Arts Alive 2009

Welcome to
North Redwoods Book Arts Guild

Arts Alive is a monthly event in Eureka, California. This September, Eureka Books hosted the second annual NORBAG exhibit and sale of handmade books.  The weather was perfect (high 60's) and the event coincided with Blues by the Bay. The turnout was fabulous with people in the streets listening to music well past 9:00 pm. The books displayed represented guild members from Humboldt County as well as other locations in the US, England and Thailand.  
The event served to expand the definition of "book" for most of those attending and it was great fun for artists to watch people admiring their books.  

To see photos of the event use the link below.  A web photo album will open in a new window. Click on the individual photos to see larger images or use the Slideshow button. 

Arts Alive 2009
(Photos by Bonnie, J. Rollie L. and Michele O.)



  1. This looks like lots of fun and I am excited to do my first posting on this blog!!!!!

  2. Hi Michele,

    Here is a second try at posting a comment...

    Great pix of the show

