North Redwoods Book Arts Guild

If you are interested in more info or joining, please email to

Monday, February 24, 2025


 Our March 2025 workshop will be taught by Margaret-Elaine Jinno. She will guide us through the process of making a telescoping mechanism that can be used in making cards and books. Several pages of images are joined together, one on top of the other. When the top image is pulled out, the second image appears followed by the third, and so on. This is a fun and interesting structure to learn.


  • Four rectangles 3" x 6 1/4" (cut from cardstock)
  • Three strips 1/4" x 5" (cut from cardstock)
  • glue stick or PVA
  • scoring tool
  • ruler
  • scissors or craft knife
  • cutting mat
  • pencil

Further instructions will be sent to you after registration.

When:    Saturday, March 8, 10 a.m. PST
Where:   On your computer, tablet or smartphone via Zoom
RSVP:    Dolores Guffey by March 3 to receive the password
Workshop Questions: Margaret-Elaine Jinno
Zoom Questions: Bobbie Hayes
Contact information is in the newsletter.

Zoom Lunchtime Conversation 

The Puget Sound Book Artists Guild (PSBA) has been scheduling “Lunchtime Conversations” on Zoom for a few years. Their Thursday, March 27, 2025 Lunchtime Conversation will feature Laurel Moorhead who is also a member of NORBAG. “Laurel (Laurie) describes herself as a book artist, sketcher and wanderer. After retiring from a career in nonprofit management, Laurie studied painting, book arts, paper cutting, stamp carving, and more. Within these mediums she discovered her love of memoir and creating community by bringing artists together. Over the last eight years, she has combined these passions to lead seven collaborative projects that have included up to seven different book arts organizations across the country. Her journey as an artist is inspiring!” Registration is not limited to PSBA members so you can go to the following link to register. The Zoom link will be sent to registrants two days before the day of the event, March 27, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm PDT.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


 For those of you lucky to have attended our February Show & Tell by Michael Ebel I'm sure you were very impressed and motivated by his work. He shared photographs of many of his books and provided examples of various techniques as well as ideas for content. If you missed the presentation there is a recording available to watch. Check your newsletter on page 3 for the link to all the recordings. Thank you very much Michael for sharing your work with us. Hopefully there will be a workshop from you in the future. 

Nature and the Book 2025 is the title of an exhibition of work by artists from PSBA (Puget Sound Book Artists Guild) now being held at the Elisabeth Miller Library on the campus of the University of Washington in Seattle. 

Below are photos of some of the books in the exhibition.

Laurie Radin

Alicia Bailey

Janet Reynolds

Valerie Carrigan

Bonnie Julien

John Arbuckle

Paige Pettibon

Patricia Chupa

Donna Letterese

Lucia Harrison & Deborah Greenwood

Belinda Hill

Jessica Spring & Yoshi Nakagawa

Mari Eckstein Gower

Suze Woolf

MalPina Chan

Elsi Vassdal Ellis

Judy Lynn

Jessica Greenfield

Abbie Birmingham