North Redwoods Book Arts Guild

If you are interested in more info or joining, please email to

Sunday, January 26, 2025


 Show & Tell workshops presented by our members are always fascinating. Our February workshop will feature long time member Michael Ebel who will share some of his books, techniques, and content ideas. Michael says he finds inspiration from looking at the works of fellow artists so I'm sure that will be the case for us when we see his work. Here are a few photographs to whet your appetite for the workshop.

Stamp Book

Panel Book

Panel Book

Tall Accordion inside

Cover of Tall Accordion

When:    Saturday, February 8 at 10 a.m. PST
Where:   On your computer, tablet or smartphone via Zoom
RSVP:     Dolores Guffey by Feb. 3 to receive the password
Workshop Questions:  Michael Ebel -
Zoom Questions:  Bobbie Hayes
Contact information is in the newsletter

If you will be in the Seattle area between February 3-27 there will be an exhibit featuring work from Puget Sound Book Artists (PSBA) at the Elisabeth C. Miller Library, Center for Urban Horticulture at the University of Washington. The title of the exhibit is The Nature and the Book 2025. For more details visit:

Admission is Free.

Thursday, January 23, 2025


Valentine's Day will soon be here, but it isn't too late to participate in the NORBAG Valentine exchange. Just make a valentine...a card in whatever form strikes your fancy and take it or mail it to arrive at the NORBAG mailbox by February 8. The valentines will be shown on Zoom after the Show & Tell workshop. This exchange is always a favorite with our members. We want to encourage new members or those of you who have never participated in our monthly exchanges to please join in. Here are a few photos of valentines that were featured in a 2012 display in the kiosk at the Humboldt County Library.

Monday, January 13, 2025


What a fun project! If you missed this workshop, no worry as it was recorded and available to watch now. You will need the template and the written directions, so check the details in the newsletter. Many thanks go to Lara Cox for sharing her original design with us. When I first looked at the template with all the tiny dots for stitching holes I thought it would be almost impossible to stitch correctly, but Lara's patient instructions made it all work. Lara shared a website to help design stab bindings that she received from NORBAG member Caryn Lum. It looks like it could be a valuable site if you plan to design your own binding.

Here are a few photographs of our Cat Face Ledgers

Michele Kamprath

Bonnie Julien

Margaret Beech