North Redwoods Book Arts Guild

If you are interested in more info or joining, please email to

Friday, April 24, 2015



The Newport Paper Arts Festival (NPAF) is a three day celebration of paper and book arts that is held every April. Sponsored by Oregon Coast Council for the Arts, this was the 20th anniversary of the festival. This year there were 86 attendees (as listed on the roster) with 17 NORBAG members (six from California, five from Oregon, five from Washington, and 1 from Alaska). There were 12 instructors (including two NORBAG members, Randi Parkhurst and Margo Klass) and 18 workshops covering such topics as monoprinting, surface design, collage, stamp carving, boxes, decorative book binding, nature printing, paper manipulation, photo-transfer, and encaustic. 

All but one of the workshops were one-day classes, but seven NORBAG members chose the two-day Coptic-Bound Flitch Book class taught by Margo Klass. This was a great opportunity to work with vertically cut and aged Alaskan birch wood. Members also took classes such as Gelli Plate Monoprint Mania, Drum-Leaf Binding, Crows’ Feet and Layers Book, and Randi’s two classes; Paper Embellishment and Secret Matchbox Structure.

Gelli plate prints taught by Cheri Aldrich

Sumi ink drawing for the Drum-Leaf class taught by Margo Klass
Spray painted papers
Completed Drum-Leaf Binding Books

Flitches - vertically cut and aged Alaskan Birch 

Margo Klass instructs Michele O and Michele K

Preparing to attach a cover decoration

Carol S and Michele K working on their Coptic binding

Michele O and Sandy V hard at work

Michele O's book almost finished

Here are some completed Flitch books

Carol S, Dolores G, and Michele K 

Even though some classes were very intense, a few of us still found time to play with other book and paper structures in the evening at the Sylvia Beach Hotel. All in all it was a wonderful opportunity to learn new techniques, attend the instructors' book and DVD signing and sale, view the instructors' displays at a reception, and mingle with other book and paper artists.
Instructors' show in the upstairs gallery

Randi Parkhurst demonstrates her latest work, Tansu Gothic. 
The following photos are from the instructors' show.
Randi Parkhurst

Margo Klass

Moe Snyder

Sarah Gayle Plourde

Sarah Gayle Plourde

 Next year the festival will be held April 22-24 so SAVE the date 
and join us in 2016!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

April Meeting and Workshop - Diane Williams and the Paper Pocket Book

For those of you who couldn't attend, you can see the exchange books on our Flickr page.  Look at the column on the left and tap the "Flickr Photos."  You will be directed to the Flickr pages and see the exchange books.  Also, if you haven't visited the blog in a while, make sure to look at the older posts.  Just before this one is a post from Bonnie Julien about a Book Arts exhibit in the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art in Washington.

Our meeting each month is not just a workshop.  At the start of each meeting, our Librarians bring in the book and magazine libraries.  We also have a “free” box that contains donations of materials that people can take home.  This month we were really lucky.  Beth M. is moving and is downsizing.  She brought boxes of book board, paper, embellishments and a lot more. 

We also have announcements and take care of business. We learned that several members are in Newport, Oregon for the paper arts festival.  We will have pictures of that on the blog.

Also, we found that Connie is going to host our May meeting at her home.  Connie loves tools that manipulate paper and she will have her home set up so that we all can try out many of her tools.

Exchange books - Purple Theme
We have the book exchange and it is always delightful to see the variety of books submitted.  This month’s theme was “Purple” and, as usual, we had a wide range of books.  Again, go to the Flickr photos to see these books in color.  The colophons are in the newsletter along with black and white photos.

Diane Williams presented the workshop.  It is called a “Paper Pocket Book” and consists of ten pockets (made from #10 security envelopes) in a hard cover with a ribbon closure.  The pockets could hold ephemera, gift cards, photos or whatever you would like. The book structure was created by Greta Baack.  

We cut and decorated the envelope ends that would become the pockets.  Some members decorated before cutting the envelopes to size, others after.  We used stencils, stamping ink, stamps and pen to decorate the envelopes.  One of our members loved the inside security designs and turned the envelopes inside-out (left).
Here are a few more examples of surface design for the envelopes.

After surface design, we apply adhesive to the pockets, stick them together, add a cover and ribbon closure and we have a "Paper Pocket Book."

Here are a few more examples of the books.
And now for the pictures of the members doing what they do best... making books.  Again, many thanks to Diane for the workshop.

Great meeting!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Book Art Exhibitions #1

Bainbridge Island
Museum of Art
550 Winslow Way E.
Bainbridge Island, WA 
Open daily 10-6 
General Admission free

   The Bainbridge Island Museum of Art opened in 2012 and was inspired by Cynthia Sears, who moved to Bainbridge from Los Angeles in the late 1980’s. Her vision was for a smaller, more regional museum that would showcase the “excellence of craft and helping newcomers get a foot in the door”. On the second floor of the museum is a room devoted to book art exhibits. Currently showing are the miniature book collection of Margot E. Amestoy, and a selection of Cynthia Sears’ extensive artist’s books. This exhibit will be shown until June 7, 2015 so if you’re in the Seattle area plan to visit this wonderful museum.  Should you miss this exhibit it is likely that a new book art exhibition will replace the current one so check out the museum website for more information. ( Bainbridge Island Museum is located on beautiful Bainbridge Island, just a 35-minute ferry ride from Seattle and a five minute walk from the ferry terminal. Parking is available and free to visitors. 

Featuring the extensive (and unique in our region) artist’s books collection of Cynthia Sears.

Pull out your magnifying glass - there are some very tiny books!

Here is a small sample from this very enjoyable exhibit:

Endangered Species Sculptural Pop-up by Lois Morrison

Apologia by Barry Lopez

Book and box by Carol Schwartzott

Mermaid Rodeo by Mare Blocker

Manual of Weeds by Deborah Peek

Snakes Are Not Nice by Julie Chen and Lois Morrison

This will be the first in a series of posts on book art exhibitions. If you know of any similar exhibits please email information and photographs to either Bonnie Julien or Bobbie Hayes. Our contact information can be found in the NORBAG newsletter.