North Redwoods Book Arts Guild

If you are interested in more info or joining, please email to

Sunday, June 16, 2024


The June workshop was all about making a tunnel book. This is a great structure that incorporates perspective and depth perception into one view. Participants came up with some wonderful images for their tunnel books that featured backyard animals, Candyland, Beatrix Potter, and even a visit to the Newport Paper & Book Art Festival. Thank you Celeste Chalasini for a very rewarding workshop. 

Margaret Beech

Sherrill Story

Sherrill featured her granddaughter in a ballet performance.

Puget Sound Book Artists (PSBA) is currently holding their annual members' exhibition at Collins Library on the campus of the University of Puget Sound. The theme this year is Time Travel. The following photos are a sample of the books in the exhibit. If you are in the area, the exhibit will run until August 1.

Lynn Skordal
The Light Within represents travel through culture.

Suze Woolf
Bark Beetle Volume XLI: A Brief Bestiary of Bark Beetles

Ann Storey
The Grand Canyon of Color (Tunnel Book)

Deborah Greenwood
Amended. A collection of collected items collaged and stitched.

Bonnie Julien
Skara Brae

Mari Eckstein Gower
Robot Dreams

Judy Cook
Frosting Frenzy, A Home Economics Memory

John Arbuckle
Crow's Compendium II

Dorothy McCuistion
Journal pages cut into strips and woven together.

Jan Dove
Don't Go

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