In celebration of Flag Day, June 14th and Independence Day, July 4th, members of the North Redwoods Book Arts Guild have displayed flag and star structure books in the Humboldt County Library kiosk. Included are single and double flag books made with photographs, watercolor paintings of local landscapes, artwork, butterfly prints, and a signal-flag message. Star books included feature tunnel pages, pockets, cut outs, recycled book pages, poetry, educational, artistic, and entertaining formats representing Matisse, Frida Kahlo, and other creative varieties.
e Flag Books f
“...a fold has two sides, each going in a different direction.
If a flag is pasted to one side of the fold,
it will lie down heading in one direction; if pasted to the other side,
the flag will lie pointing in the other direction.”
by Shereen LaPlantz
The flag book structure was developed in 1979 by Hedi Kyle.
e Star Books f
Star Books come in a variety of structures which form a star shape.
Variations include
“ a triple layer accordion fold book,” “two sets of signatures... bound together with spacers...” and
“three layers of concertina folds, with cutouts, sewn together on the fore edge” and other star folds.
by Shereen LaPlantz
Thank you Dianne Byington for providing the photographs and creating this display.