North Redwoods Book Arts Guild

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Sunday, April 1, 2018


Have you had trouble finding just the right stamp to use for a project? If so, the April NORBAG workshop is one you won't want to miss. Judy Rishel will show us how to carve a small printing block. She will cover how to transfer a design to the printing block and carving techniques using different tools. 

Judy will also share information about her Letterboxing hobby and show us some of her many journals filled with stamps from around the country. Letterboxers often choose to carve/print an image that represents themselves...such as a flower for a gardener, a bird for a birdwatcher, a musical instrument for a musician, a camera for a photographer, etc., so keep that in mind when you're thinking up an image to carve into your own block. If you would like, bring a small booklet to the workshop so that you can stamp your block and other members' blocks to start your own collection.

What to bring:

  • A few or a set of carving blades
  • A small block of carving material (2 1/2" x 2 1/2" or a size of your choice) pink Speedball or the softer white MOO Carve
  • A simple image you'd like to carve that will fit on your block, best if this is drawn ahead of time in soft pencil on tracing paper. Any text will appear reversed on a block; but that problem is solved when you rub your drawing onto the block, at which time it will automatically reverse. If you're uncertain, Judy can assess your image in advance of carving to make sure it's not too difficult.
  • An inked stamp pad with a raised pad for rubbing onto the carved block
  • Soft lead pencil
  • Eraser
  • Scrap paper for practice stamping
  • Optional: a small empty booklet to stamp each others' blocks into

Judy will provide:

  • Handouts on stamp carving and Letterboxing
  • Small leftover pink carving pieces for practice
  • Veterinarian needles for intricate carving (to try and/or purchase at $1 each)
  • Large sheets of construction paper to lay over your work area
  • Letterboxing examples

   Saturday, April 14 at 12 noon

Where:  Eureka Methodist Church at Del Norte and F Streets
Bring:    See above list
Cost:     $.50
RSVP:    YES, by April 13 to Judy (contact information in the newsletter)

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