North Redwoods Book Arts Guild

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Friday, March 17, 2017

2017 March Workshop - Triangle-pierced Slip & Slide Accordion Book

This month Lynne Gurneé presented a structure called “Triangle-pierced Slip and Slide Accordion Book” which covered all of the parts of this structure.  It’s interesting to see the way in which this structure has evolved. Margaret Beech commented to Dolores Guffey after seeing a closure shaped like a triangle that might be translated into a book. Dolores Guffey moved it along with a different variation and then Lynne Gurneé applied her own variations to bring it to us for a workshop. Lynne frequently works (plays is a better word) with Edge Gerring on their books and Edge made a sample with several additional variations that we could use. It is a delightful example of how creativity works.

This is Lynne's sample book.
The structure name is also an example how structures get their names. The book has a tag with a triangle shaped end that slips into a slit in a folio and through accordion spine. The triangle has a piercing that has a thread running through the piercings to hold the book together in a loose and slidy way. That word picture does not explain in any way what the book looks like but it is a delightful naming process. 

These are the samples that Lynne brought

And now for the results!

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