North Redwoods Book Arts Guild

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Little Houses Workshop

Our nice, light room with windows in the Forestry Building.

A great time was had by all who showed up for our Little Houses workshop. Vicki was a patient and enthusiastic instructor, and we were all pleased to discover how much easier it was to learn to do these than originally feared, even for the less agile among us. We finished the workshop contemplating all sorts of ideas for this versatile structure, which could be used as the basis for everything from gift boxes to artists' books. It was a fun afternoon. 

The lower part of the structure, made completely by folding little bits of cardstock or business cards--no glue, and little exact measuring!

There were two ways of making these. This one is a solid shape that doesn't open.

Then Vicki taught us how to make these into openable boxes with a lid. How cool is that.

If you scroll down to the photo on the post before last (May 28), you can see a house Vicki made that includes an attached book.

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