NORBAG’s only social event of the year will soon be here.
Our annual holiday card exchange will once again take place at the lovely home
of Sandy Vrem. Be sure to put Saturday
December 9 on your calendar because this is an event not to be missed!
Remember, you DO NOT need to be signed up
for the card exchange to join the
Everyone is welcome!
We ask everyone to bring a food item to share
(please nothing too gooey since we’ll be handling cards –finger foods are
requested). We will not have the library at this gathering, but there will be a
box for you to return any books that you have checked out. The directions to
Sandy’s home will be in the newsletter.
Lynne Gurnee has installed a collection of holiday cards
from 2016 in the kiosk inside the Humboldt County Library. Be sure to stop by
to check out the display in person.
And here are a few more photos of holiday cards from years past.
Becky McAllister - 2013 |
Bobbie Hayes - 2013 |
Simona Carini - 2012 |
Miriam Hall - 2013 |
Margaret Beech - 2012 |
December 2017 Holiday Party
When: Saturday Dec. 9 at 12 noon
Where: Sandy Vrem's house - directions in the newsletter
Bring: A finger food item to share
RSVP: No, come one come all