Take a single piece of paper, fold it in sections, open it up and then cut along certain fold lines, re-fold and you have a book. Meander refers to the pathway the cuts take to allow the page to fold back into a book. In this workshop we will made a number of little prototype books using different meander patterns. Once you see the technique, you will be able to invent meanders of your own. Meander books are also referred to as "fold books" or "no-sew books." We'll be meeting in our usual room, BSS-166.
Materials to bring:
- 12 or 18” ruler
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Craft knife
- Rubber stamps & stamp pad(s)
- Glue stick
- Bone folder
There is no need to RSVP. There is a $0.50 material fee to cover printed instruction sheets and paper to make the books.